Friday, July 14, 2017

Coordinate Clause In agrammer

 Coordinate clauses stand side by side and are equal in grammatical rank. (Alma Haser/Getty Images)
In English grammar, a coordinate clause is a clause (i.e., a word group containing a subjectand predicate) that is introduced by one of the coordinating conjunctions--most commonly and or but. Contrast with a subordinate clause.
compound sentence is made up of one or more coordinate clauses joined to the ​main clause. The rhetorical term for a coordinate construction is parataxis.
See Examples and Observations below.

Examples and Observations
  • "It was apple-blossom time, and the days were getting warmer."
  • "I wasn't a fan of most vegetables, but I didn't mind peas."
  • "They ate the dessert, and neither one mentioned the fact that it was slightly burned."
  • Combining Clauses
    "The basic unit in syntax is the clause. Many utterances consist of a single clause, but there are also rules for combining clauses into larger units. The simplest way is by using a coordinate conjunctionand, but, so and or. These may seem rather insignificant items but they represent a vast step forward from anything we can imagine in even the most sophisticated form of animal communication, and they are probably more complex than many people realize."
  • Disconnected Coordinate Clauses in Conversation
    "In English conversation speakers often begin their utterances with and (also with so or but) without linking these connectives to immediately preceding linguistic material, but rather to more distant topics or even to their own as yet unarticulated (and unrecoverable) perspectives. In (29) the topic of the episode in which this utterance occurs concerns one of the participants consistently getting sick when he travels in Mexico. In this example, the speaker's and is making reference to the whole discourse, not to a specific preceding utterance.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017


You can make your presentation more persuasive and make your points stronger by repeating or doubling words.

Repeating words

much, much
very, very
never, never
It's much easier.
It's much, much easier.

Doubling words

bigger and bigger
better and better
worse and worse
Costs are getting higher.
Costs are getting higher and higher.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

4 ways to overcome shyness

Sunday, January 15, 2017


'to cut across' means to take a shortcut over an area instead of going around the edge.
    • It'll be quicker to cut across the field.
    • She quickly cut across the car park to where he was standing.
'to cut back' means to reduce the amount of money being spent.
    • The government has cut back on education with less teachers.
    • I've had to cut back on my spending as I'm not making any money at the moment.
'to cut down' means to remove a tree or plant by cutting it near the base.
    • To make bigger fields, the farmer has cut down a lot of the hedges.
    • We cut down the old tree in the garden as it blocked all the light.
'to cut down' also means to reduce the number or quantity of something.
    • The article was too long and so I had to cut it down to fit the space.
    • I have cut down the number of hours I work to only thirty a week now.
'to cut in' = to interrupt someone when they are speaking.
    • I was trying to explain it when she cut in and started talking.
    • He really annoys me. He's always cutting in and never lets me speak.
'to cut off' = to stop supplies of something like electricity or water
    • They didn't pay the bills and the electricity was cut off.
    • The water was cut off while they repaired the leaking pipes.
'to cut off' can also mean to stop a telephone connection.
    • I'll ring him back. We got cut off in the middle of the conversation.
    • I'm sorry but I pressed the wrong button and cut you off.
'to cut out' = when an engine or piece of machinery suddenly stops working
    • There's a problem with my car. The engine keeps cutting out.
    • When I stopped at the lights, the engine cut out.
'to cut through' difficulty means to be able to deal with the problems or bureaucracy quickly
    • To get the permits in time, we had to find a way to cut through all the bureaucracy.
    • She can cut through the complex legal language and get to the point.
'to cut up' = to divide something into smaller pieces
    • It was too big to go into the bin so I cut it up.
    • At the end, there was a cake left so we cut it up and each took a piece home.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

What If I Hate Running?

What happens when your new running habit isn’t going so well? You just don’t enjoy it. Your body aches. What can you do to keep going? Anahad O’Connor, Well reporter, spoke with Dr. Jordan Metzl, a sport medicine doctor about how you can turn a hatrd of running into a passion. Here’s what he had to say: 
Surprisingly, it’s not uncommon to start hating running. Dr. Metzl, who treats hundreds of athletes of all ages and ability, says he sees two types of runners: Those who love it, and those who don’t. 
For those who don’t, there are ways to make running more enjoyable and less of a physical or mental pain. Dr. Metzl’s suggestions: Join a running group. Listen to the news while you run – or your music, or a good audio book. 
There are also fun and free-spirited running events like the “Color Run,” the so-called happiest 5K on the planet, which takes place in cities across the globe. “Whatever it takes to get you going – don’t be shy,” Dr. Metzl says. “Whatever makes you smile and enjoy running, do that!” 
If you find running to be a pain, literally, then change your mechanics. Shorten your running stride, which causes much less stress on your knees, hips and back. Ideally your foot should strike the ground between 75 and 80 times per minute, Dr. Metzl says. For any walkers reading this, shorter strides and a higher cadence is just as beneficial. “In our lab at the hospital, we are constantly trying to get runners to shorten their strides as one of the major causative factors around injury prevention,” Dr. Metzl says. 
Be sure to strength train too. There are two idealized body types for running. For women, it’s roughly 5 feet tall and 100 pounds. For men, it’s roughly 5 foot 6 and 130 pounds. If you don’t fit that body type, then chances are you need stronger muscles. “Strength training for runners builds support around the skeleton, reduces joint loading forces, improves running economy and reduces injury risk,” Dr. Metzl says. “All of these things make running more enjoyable.”
Hope you find a way to get out and run with a smile on your face. 
Run Well! 
Jen A. Miller
Author, “Running: A Love Story”